Archive for January, 2014

Slush Readers Required

smalllogoNiteblade Magazine is looking for a couple new slush readers. If you’re interested here are a few things you should know:

  • This is a volunteer position. You will be paid in gratitude and an electronic copy of each issue you read for but sadly, not money
  • Our slush readers read and vote (yes, no or maybe) on all the stories which are submitted to us via the Submittable system
  • The work load isn’t huge, we ask you to read 5 to 7 stories a week
  • While you are working as a slush reader for Niteblade you will not be allowed to submit to us
  • You will need to be familiar with Niteblade Magazine and the kind of stories we publish

If you’re interested in getting a sneak peek behind the curtain here at Niteblade, the chance to help us out and read great fiction before it’s published, please email In that email please tell me a little bit about yourself and also about your favourite story Niteblade has published in the past year.

Thank you.