Posts Tagged ‘2013 fundraiser’

Excitement :)

I’m excited. I’m excited for a couple reasons. The first is that our IndieGoGo fundraiser has currently raised $179. That means we’ve already made more than we did last year (about $108) and there are still loads of awesome perks available 🙂

The second reason I am excited is because thanks to the efforts of M.B. Ryther Niteblade is now available for the Kindle. We started with the most recent issue but will be working backward to convert all the back issues we are able.*

Blodeuwedd – Niteblade #23 on Kindle

If you have read Blodeuwedd, we would really appreciate your review on Amazon… just sayin’ 😉

It’s exciting times around here, for sure 🙂

*Unfortunately we cannot do all our back issues because of differences in author agreements over the years.

2013 Fundraiser

It’s that time of year again. Our second annual fundraiser 🙂 This year we’re doing things a little differently and running the fundraiser on IndieGoGo:

Click here to check out our fundraising campaign!

One thing that is the same as last year is that our writers have been extremely generous in donating amazing things for us to use as perks. We have everything from art to cookies, handicrafts to critiques. We’ve raised $50 and a couple perks have already been claimed so be sure and hop on over and pick out what your dream perk is. And even if you can’t support us financially, pop over anyway. There are loads of sharing tools on our campaign page that will help you spread the word about our fundraiser, which is an awesome way to help without spending a dime 🙂

One perk that everyone gets to take advantage of is that since we’ve raised $50 already, we also released the web version of issue #23 today. Yay! Check that out… after the fundraiser 😉