
It’s been a while since I’ve offered up a status update, so I thought I’d remedy that today.

The December 2007 issue of Niteblade is back online (Yes, you really did read that right). That is two months of the pre-2009 archives back up and three to go. Hopefully I’ll get them up at a faster pace than I did the first two.

The table of contents for the new anthology is almost set. Almost. I hope to post the table of contents here in the next week or so, so keep an eye open. If you’ve submitted to it and not yet heard back from me, hang in there, that means your work is on the (very) short list and I’ll get to you soon. I promise.

I’ve fallen a bit behind on reading submissions. The oldest submission in my fiction inbox is from August 4th and in the poetry inbox is September 7th. I sincerely apologise for my delay in responding and as soon as I firm up the TOC for the anthology I will make a concerted effort to read the submissions. If you submitted before those dates and you haven’t heard back from me, I didn’t get it. Please re-submit.

I think that covers all the updates I have for the moment, though like I say, keep your eyes on this spot for the table of contents for the next anthology.

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